Wingmen Part 1: Ten Great Benefits of Wingmen

As a seducer, having wingmen is essential to your game, especially at night. In the daytime you can number-close the girl and see her again later. But at night phone numbers don’t matter nor mean that much – especially if you want to pull. So you need a wingman to occupy the girl’s friends.

The other option is to befriend her friends. But having a wingman makes things a lot easier. If your wingman entertains her friends, you effectively nullify that obstacle.

In addition, you connect with your masculinity better if you socialize with other guys. Girls love to feel this masculine energy in you, which few things can bring out as easily as a good wingman. Socializing with women has its own benefits. But if you make your main priority good male friends, and keep yourself in good company at night, you’ll hook girls a lot easier.

Ten Great Benefits of Wingmen

Social Vibe

By going out with another guy you will immediately get into the social vibe. You’ll also get the “mouthpiece”, as it is often referred to in the seduction community, quicker than when you go out on your own. This refers to your ability to flirt with women, and crack witty jokes with no effort. This will help you break out of heavy reliance on routines. By being social, spontaneity improves.

Push Each Other

If you’re out with a friend, you can push each other to interact with different women, in both normal and unusual situations. Without the wingman, there is no one to hold you accountable. Self-accountability is good, but often more difficult than external accountability. This is like the personal trainer at the gym pushing you to train harder.

Helps With Boredom On Quiet Nights

On a quiet night, if you’re out on your own, you’ll get bored much easier. With a wingman, you can have conversations or e.g. shoot some pool in between talking with women. Thus, you’re much more likely to stay out for longer (even if it’s quiet). This increases your chances of meeting a girl you’re very interested in.

Social Proof

If a woman sees that you are out with some of your friends, she’s more likely to trust you, and even to go home with you. It’s definitely not a prerequisite for pulling. But it helps if she knows that you are there with other people. This implies subtly that you have social skills, and you’re not a serial killer.

Disarm Cockblocks

At night, if you are out on your own and you approach a group of two girls at the same time, it is more difficult to take one of the two girls home with you. You’re less likely to be able to take the girl to a quiet corner in the club to get to know her better. BUT, if you have a wingman, he can keep her friend occupied, while you get to know the girl you want.

Sometimes it’ll turn into a double date and a double pull. But at the least, it buys you time with the girl you’re interested in.

Freedom From Outcome

With a wing, you’re usually having a good time when you’re out. If the girl sees you having fun, they’ll want to be part of that fun. At the same time, since you’re having fun anyway, you’ll care less about getting laid. Thus girls won’t smell the usual agenda that you’re only trying to get dirty with them. You are actually there to have fun. Fun is attractive, while standing around bored on your own, is obviously less attractive.

Learn Game and Share Other Life Skills

If your wingman is decent in game, you can learn a lot from him. Receive free pointers and tips about your style of game, the way you dress, your vocal tonality and your body language. In addition, instead of only going out for picking up women, you can have meaningful conversations with your wingman. If your level of game is better than your wing, he can compensate by teaching you some practical skills that you may not have. Apart from also sharing his own life experiences through conversation.

Activities Outside of Pickup

You are not always, only, going to game with your wings. A secret towards keeping your wingmen around for longer, is to also do things together outside of seduction. For example, go fishing, skiing or hiking. If your friendship connection is only based on seduction and game, then the friendship will falter if the wing gets a girlfriend, or if he quits game. But a friendship with commonalities outside of game, can last a lifetime.

Take Cool Photos For Dating Apps

For great pics, wingmen are indispensable. Selfies don’t get you very far in online dating. If your wingman can hold the camera, he can take 50 photos, then you select the best 3 or 4 afterwards. This is almost as valuable as a professional photographer, depending on which camera you’re using. It’ll also boost your social media to take and upload photos with wingmen, especially if they dress well.

Build Friend Circle

Having a supportive circle of friends is good for your social life, health and career or business. When enjoying the nightlife with your wing, you could even invite your dates or girlfriends along.

In addition, a good wingman will have a couch to crash on, when you need one. Moreover, give each other advice on meeting women, how to get in shape, or career-related. Even if your wingman sucks in game, you can still bounce all your ideas off him, about life, business, or women.

Conclusion – Wingmen Benefits

The nights when I’m having fun with wings are almost guaranteed pull nights. Especially if the wingman is a good friend who sticks around for longer than only an hour or two. The wing that goes home after only being out for an hour, isn’t as valuable to you. Unless he’s e.g. damn tired from work, and deserves another chance.

Otherwise, if your wing meets and hooks up with a chick while gaming with you, it’s obviously “hoes before bros” and mission accomplished. But normally, the wingman has to commit to three hours at least on a weekend. Mid-week can be less. Three hours is solid to build a good social state throughout the night, to enable you to go for the pull.

If you feel anti-social initially when you head out, then keep at it. You’ll gradually feel lighter and less serious during nightgame. You simply have to experience that the girls won’t bite you if you try to have a conversation. Then you’ll start feeling better.

Next, read our post on where to find wingmen.

benefits of wingmen
Do you have great wingmen, or is it a sticking point? Post your questions or tips below to help other readers connect with high-quality wingmen. 

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