Affiliate Disclaimer

1. is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to
2. We also provide affiliate recommendations for other companies. If you click on these links, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. We try to keep these recommendations highly relevant to our content and also of high standard.
3. Feedback on quality of our recommendations is welcome. Thus far, I haven’t had any negative feedback on any product I ever recommended. But feel free to comment with feedback below any post with affiliate recommendations. Or send an email to: . I have refused to market companies which I consider to be obvious scams, despite being offered $100s per sale. And I continue to do so – but this often depends on getting feedback from readers. As some scams can even evade me at times.
4. We don’t make any guarantees for results, for purchasing any product we link to. Neither do we make a guarantee for results for any of our own content or products on . Although hard work often does pay off, there are no guarantees. Results usually depend on the amount of work you’re willing to put in.
