Comment Policy

All comments (including tips, questions, your own experience, positive/negative viewpoints etc) are encouraged. But within reasonable bounds to keep NGS a high-quality blog. Keeping the comment section open means I don’t want to waste time with dumb comments. Thus, stick to these comment guidelines:

  1. Don’t spam. This includes e.g. dumping 10 to 20 low quality comments at once.
  2. No Ad Hominem. In sport we say: Play the ball, not the player. Otherwise you get red carded. It’s the same with comments: If you don’t like the argument, then attack the argument, not the person behind the argument. Because if you attack the person, it means that his argument is too strong. Ad Hominem means you don’t have any real counter-arguments. Now you’re simply saying dumb insults against the person instead. We don’t approve Ad Hominem attacks, as these are not intelligent comments. It’s caveman insults. We’re not cavemen.
  3. Comment in English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, and/or Dutch/Flemish/Afrikaans. I encourage these languages, which I understand decently well, underneath RELEVANT posts. Thus, a city post where they speak that language. For example, Brazil guides = you can comment in English or Portuguese. Amsterdam guide = Dutch or English. Peru guide = Spanish or English. Don’t comment in Dutch underneath e.g. an Argentina post.
  4. Don’t leave one-word comments. These aren’t approved. E.g. “Thanks” “Interesting” “Cool”. Expand upon these words if you want a comment approved.
  5. Be respectful by not using abusive language towards others.
  6. For this same reason, we don’t want too sexually graphic explicit language. Because, same as point 5, the search engines will pick up the explicit sexual language and swear words in your comment, then flag (or group) our site with spam / porn / low quality / trash content. Then, they send us low quality traffic. On the other hand, if you use decent language, the search engines will send us higher quality traffic. Ideally if you swear, type f-ck instead of typing it out. However, up to now, I’ve only declined 1 comment due to very explicit sexual language.
  7. No threats. Threats get reported to the police. Though the comment section may seem anonymous, the internet isn’t anonymous with the right tracing tools.